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said Mike Ableson









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發表於 2016-3-21 12:15:38 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
GM has worked quietly on autonomous vehicle technology for some time. In the past year, it’s been particularly public and aggressive about its plans.
Ableson said GM expects the self-driving vehicles with drivers to appear within the next couple of years.
General Motors will deploy a network of self-driving cars within Lyft’s service in a couple of years—but with a catch. In the beginning, those automated vehicles will have drivers, said Mike Ableson, GM’s vice president of strategy and global portfolio planning, during a Senate Commerce hearing on last Tuesday.
“When they actually start working without drivers will depend on how the technology develops and what the criteria agreed with the regulators are,國字臉,” he added.
GM’s aim is to be the first to introduce self-driving cars—an intention that CEO and Chairman Mary Barra mentioned in the company’s February earnings call with analysts. General Motorsand its new business partner Lyft, believe ridesharing is the broadest, most cost effective way to bring self-driving car technology to the masses. And while ridesharing technology is ready to go, self-driving cars still have a number of technical, safety, regulatory, legal, and cybersecurity issues to be solved before they can be used by the public.
In January, the automaker invested $500 million into Lyft. Shortly after that announcement,中和抽水肥, the the company launched a car-sharing service called Maven,瑞士蜜月, which combines and expands several of its existing test programs under one brand.
“We would introduce it originally as vehicles with drivers, because we do agree we need to collect data and make sure the systems are operating as we expect them to before we actually start deploying the vehicles without drivers,” Ableson said. “We think this offers a framework that we can develop and deploy this technology in a very safe way.”
But the company’s approach isn’t without risk. It isn’t clear what these first GM self-driving cars would look like. For example,板橋當舖, will they be fully autonomous cars that are equipped with steering wheels and pedals so a driver could take control, if needed? If so,刷卡換現, the automaker faces considerable liability if a regular person who happens to give rides through the Lyft platform isn’t properly trained.
Executives from Google, Delphi, and Lyft, as well as the director of Duke University’s Humans and Autonomy Lab also testified at the hearing on self-driving cars.
GM also purchased the assets of the now defunctride-hailing service Sidecar, and last week spentmore than $1 billion for self-driving tech startup Cruise Automation. On Monday, GM and Lyft launched a short-term car rental program aimed at bringing on more drivers to the ride-hailing service.
GM envisions introducing self-driving car technology through ride-sharing,台北汽車借款, Ableson said during the discussion on autonomous vehicles.

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